Sunday, April 8, 2012

Big is beautiful

How many times have you ever heard someone says, "Big is beautiful". I could agree to that statement, even more when I see this nature's treasure with absolutely big size.
Fresh strawberry from Spain, available at KemChicks
The strawberry reminds me about how great thou art, the one and only creator who made this become real. Maybe for spanish this is not a new one (since it comes from Spain), but for us in east part of the world, this is a little bit amazing. A huge yet natural strawberry with sweet taste. How one of perfection on earth it is. Here are several more picture taken for the honor of big and beautiful strawberry.
Blissful mother earth
I doubt you want to see it closer, then I took 'zoom in' picture for you to see and whisper, yes it is strawberry.
zoom in
 Then, still can't imagine the size? Okay, I'll make it easier by comparing with your usual thing to see every day: mouse pad and Joco VX5.
It's big enough, isn't it?
I told you, it has sweet taste. Now, which one is sweeter, tell me :)
Should we vote now? :p 1 for the left one from me
Then finally, I got tired and couldn't help myself to give it a bite.
*raise hand* I did it :D
hmmm, so yummy... Don't hesitate to give a shot on this strawberry, tell you that this is just a medium size, which means, there is a bigger ones. If I could say, one strawberry a day will make your day, it's true

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