Sunday, May 1, 2011

my sweet escape...

From : bon-bon conceptor :D
i love May, welcoming this lovely month, i decided to have my early sweet escape.. 
i went to Jakarta City and ate bunches of sariette & bonbon meals.. it's superrr :D And now, i'm ready to face final exam and wish us luck ! i think you guys should do something like two peas in a pod as i did :) :) :)..

and through this post, i want to give my greeting,"apologize that bonbon will not pop up on May" but don't worry we gonna bring you surprise at the early of June.
For you guys, lets have better hope for May and cheer up :)

p.s : feel so good that finally i could take picture with cecilia & my bon-bon package.. 

bonbon, cause sweets are never enough..

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